
Tanzania is the sub-saharan, East African nation that has become one of the most popular destinations for the discerning wildlife traveller. North Tanzania is the primary safari location with four main parks attracting most travelers.

Your Tanzanian Safari


We can offer you a safari that is tailored to your needs and all those who accompany you. We have many bush accommodations to select from in order to suit your pocket. We will present these options to you during the consultation phase of your safari build.

Our Vehicles

All our vehicles are fully-equipped with all you need to have a safe and educational time in the bush for a day’s game viewing. We offer 8-seater long wheel base safari land cruisers with open/close viewing roof – especially popular with photographers. Animal wildlife guide books, maps and binoculars are all provided.

Our Guides

Our guides are multilingual and highly-qualified. Ask any questions that you might have and they are sure to know the answer – so do your homework before you come and try and see if you can get them thinking!

When to Visit

Obviously, school holidays impact how busy the parks will get, but even at the busiest times of year the parks still give you a sense a freedom against any potential ‘busy’ period. The climate is tropical
and coastal areas are hot and humid, while the northwestern highlands are cool and temperate. There are two rainy seasons; the short rains are generally from October to December, while the long rains last from March to June. The central plateau tends to be dry and arid throughout the year.

The Parks and Conservancies

Tarangire National Park

Tarangire National Park is the sixth largest national park in Tanzania, it is located in Manyara Region. The name of the parkoriginates from the Tarangire River that crosses the park. The Tarangire River is the primary source of fresh water for wild animals in the Tarangire Ecosystem during the annual dry season.

The park is famous for its high density of elephants and baobab trees. Visitors to the park in the June to November dry season can expect to see large herds of thousands of zebra, wildebeest and cape buffalo. Other common resident animals include waterbuck, giraffe, dik dik, impala, eland, Grant’s gazelle, vervet monkey, banded mongoose, and olive baboon. Predators in Tarangire include lion, leopard, cheetah, caracal, honey badger, and African wild dog. Home to more than 550 bird species, the park is a haven for bird enthusiasts. The park is also famous for the termite mounds that dot the landscape.

Ngorongoro Conservation Area

Ngorongoro Conservation Area is in northern Tanzania. It’s home to the vast, volcanic Ngorongoro Crater and “big 5” game (elephant, lion, leopard, buffalo, rhino). Huge herds of wildebeests and zebras traverse its plains during their annual migration. Livestock belonging to the semi-nomadic Maasai tribe graze alongside wild animals. Hominid fossils found in the Olduvai Gorge date back millions of years.

Serengeti National Park

Serengeti National Park, in northern Tanzania, is known for its massive annual migration of wildebeest and zebra. Seeking new pasture, the herds move north from their breeding grounds in the grassy southern plains. Many cross the marshy western corridor’s crocodile-infested Grumeti River. Others veer northeast to the Lobo Hills, home to black eagles. Black rhinos inhabit the granite outcrops of the Moru Kopjes.

Samburu National Reserve

The Samburu National Reserve is a game reserve on the banks of the Ewaso Ng’iro river in Kenya. On the other side of the river is the Buffalo Springs National Reserve. The park is 165 km² in size and is situated 350 kilometers from Nairobi. It ranges in altitude from 800 to 1230m above sea level.

Kilimanjaro National Park

Mount Kilimanjaro or just Kilimanjaro, with its three volcanic cones, “Kibo”, “Mawenzi”, and “Shira”, is a dormant volcano in Tanzania. It isthe highest mountain in Africa, with its summit about 4,900 meters from its base, and 5,895 metres above sea level.


Obviously, school holidays impact how busy the parks will get, but even at the busiest times of year the parks still give you a sense a freedom against any potential ‘busy’ period. The climate is tropical and coastal areas are hot and humid, while the northwestern highlands are cool and temperate. There are two rainy seasons; the short rains are generally from October to December, while the long rains last from March to June. The central plateau tends to be dry and arid throughout the year.